May 3, 2012

Rosemary, Sage and Olive Oil Potatoes

I discovered a few years ago that my favorite herb is rosemary due to some delicious rosemary, olive oil crackers my brother had at his house. Since then, I vowed to cook more with those two ingredients specifically. Since I really didn't dive to much into cooking until the last couple of months, I really didn't get a chance to fulfill that vow until now. I made this recipe before using red skinned potatoes and with a few slight variations. This time I used russet potatoes and they tasted fantastic! Here is the recipe:


4 large russet potatoes

2 Tbsp dry rosemary

1 Tbsp dry sage

2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

I know it seems like over kill. In fact, that could probably coat 6 potatoes instead of 4, but since it's only the three of us, I don't use nearly as many potatoes.


Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Peel and thin slice or cut the potatoes into small wedges. Rinse potatoes and dry thoroughly. Put dry herbs and olive oil in a large zip lock baggie. Dump potatoes into the baggie, seal and then shake vigorously until the potatoes are evenly coated. Spread slices onto a cookie sheet and then bake for about an hour or until the edges are crispy and the potatoes are glistening.


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